Tuesday 26 November 2013

Lychee at the Distillery District

My uncle gave me a bunch of filters when I was in Pakistan which I have been dying to use. I used a couple on my nature walk with my mum, but I wanted to do some proper portrait photography with them. So, I was ecstatic when Lychee offered to model for me again!

We went to the Distillery District on a surprisingly warm and lovely autumn Saturday. We barely needed out coats it was so warm! I used to three rolls of film -- two colour, one black and white -- and Lychee became enamored by and made friends with a couple of schnoodles.

Here are some of the best photos from the shoot. I need more practice with them because I noticed that I focus too much on details rather than the big picture when I'm photographing, but I guess it's something that'll be learned with time.

Tuesday 5 November 2013

Nature Walk With Mama Khan

Last weekend, my mum and I decided to go on a nature walk through the East Don Parklands. I wanted to test out some of the new filters my uncle gave me and also wanted to capture the lovely Fall colours before they disappear totally.

I wrangled my mum into being my model and was surprised at how nice the photos of her came out. I'm still getting the hang of the different filters, but I really hit the mark with some of them and came up with spectacular results.

My uncle also gifted me a beautiful Nikon FE, but i was too rough with it and got the shutter stuck. It's currently at a camera clinic waiting to be fixed. But once I get it back, I plan to take it for a proper spin. Until then, I plan to practice with the filters and hopefully you'll see more good stuff from my experimentation soon.

In the mean time, here are some of the lovely Fall colours currently visiting Toronto.