Monday 19 November 2012

Riverdale Farm: MooCows and Misc.

When I was a kid and lived adjacent to Cabbagetown, I would visit Riverdale Farm regularly. As I got older, I grew bored of it, but now that I don't live within walking distance of the farm, I recently found myself yearning for it.

So, I decided to take a photo adventure down there this weekend and got some morning happys photographing (and mentally conversing with) the animals.

These photos are all film: Fuji Superia 400, Easy Pix 200 and Lomography Colour Negative 400.

Saturday 10 November 2012

Caturday: Remembering Whiskers

It's been just over a year since I had to put down our beloved cat, Whiskers. He had a tumor in his jaw and was unable to eat or drink. I cried for almost an entire week; I can't remember crying over anything as much as I wept for Whiskers.

I was going on 11 when we got him. The school secretary's neighbour had a litter of kittens who needed home, so I went with my mum and chose Whiskers. I picked him specifically because he tried to climb up the school secretary's leg and I thought it was hilarious. My brother came up with his name and at the time, we thought it was a wildly creative name for a cat.

Once home, Whiskers not only became a part of the Khan household, he became the youngest Khan child. He fought and played with me and my brother like siblings, but never dared pull any of the same stunts with my parents, whom he loved dearly and who loved him more.

Whiskers had a special bond with my dad and always preferred his company. When my dad came home from work, Whiskers would greet him at the door and the first thing my dad would do (before even taking his shoes and coat off) was spend a few minutes giving Whiskers some attention. Later in the evening when my dad settled in front of the TV after dinner, Whiskers was right there beside him, purring like mad and both of them unbelievably content. When my dad passed away, I'm positive Whiskers was as affected by it as the rest of us were.

I don't like talking about Whiskers, except once in a while when I admit to the Boy that I miss him, but today I'd like to wallow in his memory a bit by sharing some photos of him. I still ache for his rumbling purr and kitty halitosis and will never ever stop missing my first real pet.

Last I saw these two, neither looked as cute as they do here. ;)

Monday 5 November 2012

More B&W Toronto

Here's another small collection of Toronto store fronts (and one of a streetcar interior) in black and white.

Sunday 4 November 2012


Anyone who knows me can tell you that I have an inexplicable love for the Deep South. I trace it back to my second year Modernisms course in which we were assigned Faulkner's As I Lay Dying and I fell in love with the atmosphere of the book. Since then I've devoured pretty much any and all books that are set in the Deep South.

Like any other bibliophile, I go through phases with my reading. Currently I am in the throes of my Deep South readings, so here is a photographic list of the books I've recently read, am currently reading or plan to read soon.
This one is not related to the Deep South. I have just been anxious to read it!
Tennessee Williams has been my favourite writer in the whole world ever since I discovered that he has written all the secrets of my soul. When I'm feeling a bit down or lonely, or even if I'm just happy to be alive, I pick up his collection of poems and wallow in the joy of having him as my kindred spirit.