Friday 26 July 2013

Walking and Talking With Ebony

While scouring my Facebook friends list for potential models, I remembered Ebony with whom I worked at Rainbow Cinema so many years ago. 

Ebony has this wide-eyed adorable-ness which is about all I remembered of her, so when we met and started talking, I was so, so amused to discover her face-crinkling laugh! I caught it a number of times and I picked my favourite ones to display here, but every time I look through those photos of her laugh, I can't help but start grinning myself. 

Collected here are my favourite shots from our short outing on Queen east (west of Broadview this time!) and hopefully this won't be the last you'll see of her on this blog. :)

Thursday 18 July 2013

Merle On Queen East

I have never met anyone who did not love Merle. :)

She and I met when we worked at the bookstore together and she's one of the few people from there with whom I still keep in touch. She's the freest spirit I've ever known and I envy her for it. She's got a great, kooky personal style which I was so happy to be able to capture in these photos.

The one of her sitting patiently in front of Paulette's is my favourite photo from this shoot, but the one of her with her hands at her head in front of the purple wall is the one I think is the epitome of Merle.

Monday 15 July 2013

Lychee At The Beach

Lychee and I know each other from undergrad and I was most excited to photograph her when she volunteered. She has such a great look to her and her Bitchy Resting Face is the cherry on top for me. 

I wanted to try a new film, but I was less than impressed with the results which is why I'm not as proud of this set as I usually would be. Nevertheless, thanks to Lychee these photos were saved and aside from looking a little sickly from over editing, I'm more or less satisfied.

The second roll I used was my trusty Lomography Lady Grey, the results of which were lovely as expected.

Hopefully Lychee and I will get to shoot again and her face will grace this blog once again soon!